The electricity conducting material such as silicon and germanium has the ability to carry electricity between conductors and insulator which was enclosed by plastic wires. Transistor consists of three layers of semiconductor, which have an ability to hold current. “Transistor is a three leg insect type component, which is placed singly in some devices but in computers it is packed inside in millions of numbers in small microchips” Some of the transistors placed individually or else generally in integrated circuits which vary according to their state applications. Not all but most of the electronic devices contain one or more types of transistors. This process brings voltage variations to affect proportionally many variations in output current, bringing amplification into existence. The electronic current circulation can be altered by the addition of electrons. A transistor is usually a solid state electronic device which is made up of semiconducting materials. It is also used to amplify the input signals into the extent output signal. These devices are made up of semiconductor material which is commonly used for amplification or switching purpose, it can also be used for the controlling flow of voltage and current. So, we will tell you how they work or what they actually are? Transistors change the theory of electronics radically since it has been designed over half a century before by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley. It is composed of chemical element extract from sand called Silicon.

Like as computer also have billions of tiny brain cells named Transistors. As our brain is made up of 100 billion of cells termed Neurons which are used to think and memorize things.